What to Bring
Packing the Ten Essentials, and number eleven for bear country, will help you stay safe outdoors. Check out this overview for more details on the Essentials.
About Bears
- To stay safe in bear country, we recommend reading these simple tips. Make noise and maintain distance.
- Don’t be “bearanoid.” Learn the facts about bears and act consciously to avoid encounters – but get out and enjoy our amazing trails!
About Hiking
- Make a plan, pack the essentials, and prepare for risks. Review this guide for best practices in outdoor safety.
- New to hiking? Check out this introduction from our friends at Washington Trails Association.
About The Rainforest
- Hypothermia is a risk any time of the year here in Sitka, so dress appropriately and bring extra layers.
About Stewardship
- Follow the practices of Leave No Trace; pack out what you pack in.
- Give back to public lands by supporting maintenance as a volunteer or donor.
About the Trailforks App
- Notice something on our trails like a blown down tree or a broken bridge? Help us help you! Submit a report about the issue in the Trail Forks app.
- To submit a report:
- Create a free account
- Press the yellow arrow button on the top of your screen
- Press “Write Report”
- Create your report, and ensure that the current GPS location is saved
- Submit!
- To submit a report: