Chíx’i Héen Bridged!

The Chíx’i Héen (No Name Creek) bridge is built!
While not fully complete, the Cross Trail now spans from Indian River to Starrigavan. Work remains to add surfacing gravel, and we’re currently seeking funds to finish the Connector Trail to Halibut Point Road.
The idea for this trail across town dates to the 1970s and was formalized in the 2003 Sitka Trail Plan. Since then, Sitka Trail Works has doggedly pursued funding to construct the multi-modal trail, raising over $5 million mostly from federal sources. Following former executive director Deborah Lyons, Lynne Brandon has led the way with dedicated project management and grant writing acumen. Every step of the way, the City & Borough of Sitka has been a key partner and will assume management of the trail once constructed.
Sitka Trail Works foreman Troy Bayne and crew have dedicated thousands of hours of clearing, excavation, hauling, and artful trail construction. Their work continues, so you may use the trail, but please give a wide berth to any machinery you encounter.
None of this would be possible without the Sitka Trail Works volunteers, members, and donors who support our local nonprofit. If you want to chip in for more trail maintenance and development, you can make a contribution on our website.
We’re not done yet, but it’s a worthwhile moment to pause and celebrate a major milestone.
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