Sitka Trail Works Annual Meeting – Oct 27th

This year’s Annual Meeting: Trail Planning Open House

Come join us, share some food, and discuss the future of Sitka’s trails! At this year’s Sitka Trail Works Annual Meeting, open to the public, we will highlight over two dozen proposals for new trail projects, based on feedback we received from public outreach this spring, and surveys we conducted this summer. From rerouting the Verstovia Trail to a new 5K route near Sitka High, there are a lot of ideas that we’d love your input on. Stop by and share your thoughts to shape the future of Sitka’s great outdoors.

  • Thursday, October 27th
  • Harrigan Centennial Hall
  • 5:00 pm – Doors open
  • 5:30 pm – Potluck
  • 6:00 pm – Program starts
  • 7:00 pm – Open House ends

Bring a dish to share if you’d like to join the revival of the annual Trail Works potluck dinner tradition!

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