Sitka Trail Works seeks feedback on trail proposals – closed

On behalf of Sitka Trail Works and the Sitka Trail Plan Committee, we are releasing a draft list of conceptual plans for improvements to our trail system and we want to hear what you think.

This spring, over 800 Sitkans responded to a call for public comment and shared their general ideas for the future of our trail system. We learned that Sitkans want more challenging day hikes, easy loop trails, multi-day backpacking trails, and neighborhood connectors.

We spent the summer investigating specific projects that could meet the desires we heard from the community, from renovations of beloved existing trails to development of new routes. This initial list open for comment includes conceptual plans for nine reconstructions, six new day hikes, four backpacking trail ideas, and nine short in-town trail connections.

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  1. Gavan Hill
  2. Verstovia
  3. Upper Cross
  4. Cross Trail Yaw Drive to Indian River
  5. Medvejie Lake
  6. Old Harbor Mountain Road
  7. Baranof Warm Springs
  8. Port Alexander Historic Trail
  9. Lake Suloia

Potential new day hikes

  1. S’oow Tu.aan (No Name) Viewpoint
  2. Starrigavan Ridge
  3. Eagle Dip Lake
  4. South Fork Starrigavan to Harbor Mtn
  5. Bear Lake
  6. Harbor Mountain Viewpoint

Options for backpacking trails

  1. North Fork Indian River
  2. Lucky Chance Historic Trail
  3. South Sitka Sound Coastal Trail
  4. Kruzof Backpacking Loop

Connectors & pedestrian enhancements

  1. Price-Hillside Neighborhood Connector
  2. Mills Street Land Trust Connector
  3. Japonski Island Pathway
  4. Flume Trail
  5. 5K loop near SHS
  6. North Lake Connector & Swan Lake Dock
  7. South Lake Boardwalk
  8. Russian Cemetery connections
  9. HPR walking / biking improvements

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Sitka Trail Works is requesting feedback via the survey link above to determine which of these projects will produce the greatest community benefit. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a weekly drawing to win gift cards for local retailers.

This list of conceptual plans represents a larger array of options than will ultimately be prioritized in the final Trail Plan. The Trail Plan will strike a balance of setting an ambitious vision for the future of our trail system, while also realistically working within the constraints of our shared resources. Public input at this stage will determine which of these ideas to prioritize for collective action. Trail projects can take years to advance through design, permitting, and construction, so it would not be feasible to attempt all the draft concepts, even with a twenty-year planning horizon.

In addition, the survey will ask respondents to rank ideas for new cabins. Expanding on recent US Forest Service outreach on this topic, Sitka Trail Works has compiled a list of potential locations across federal, state, and city lands.

The final Trail Plan will also include a substantial section dedicated to the regular maintenance of existing trails, because maintaining what we have is the most important priority. In the spring survey, Sitkans on average stated they want an even split of investment between maintenance of existing trails and development of new facilities.

After compiling public feedback, the Trail Plan Committee will shorten the list to only include the top priorities, which will then be included in a Draft Trail Plan. Only after a thorough vetting and approval by all public land managers will the new plan be formalized.

The goals of this planning process are to:

  • Make it easier and more inviting to be active and healthy outside;
  • Be good stewards of our spectacular cultural and natural landscape;
  • Help build a stronger, more durable local economy;
  • Provide diverse, equitable access to the outdoors;
  • Work within our means and by working together, increase our means!


For more information, please contact:

Ben Hughey

Executive Director

Sitka Trail Works, Inc


ben (at)



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