- USE : Hike
- DESCRIPTION : The North Loop from Starrigavan Campground follows the beach & forest fringe to Mosquito Cove and loops back through forested hillside.
- DISTANCE : 1.5 mile (loop)
- TIME : 45 minutes – 1 hour
- TRAILHEAD : Seven miles north of Sitka on Halibut Point Road and a 3/4 mile walk north of the ferry terminal.
- ELEVATION GAIN : 281 feet elevation gain
- DIFFICULTY : Easy to moderate – some stairs and slippery surfaces with mud. Uneven tread, and occasional downed timber and rocks to step across. Good to know before you go: Please park in the designated trail parking areas and not the Forest Service campground or along the road.
- TRAIL MANAGEMENT AGENCY: US Forest Service & Alaska State Parks

Dogs must be on leash on the Forest Service section of this trail. A hiker could combine this with several other pleasant trails in the area including the Forest and Muskeg and the Estuary Life Trails.
Don’t forget your camera. This is a scenic little trail. Large trees, tide-pooling at Mosquito Cove, intimate little trail curves and bridges, birds and other wildlife make this a wonderful place.
Brown bears are commonly seen, particularly on the coastal flats and are common late summer to late fall when the salmon are spawning, and this trail could be closed during high bear activity times for safety.
This gravel trail includes both shoreline and forest ecosystems. Located at the north end of Halibut Point Road, within the Forest Service Picnic Area. The trail features several gentle climbs as well as scenic beach-walking. The Mosquito Cove Trail is part of the Old Sitka State Historic Site and is managed jointly by the USDA Forest Service and Alaska State Parks.